River Severn Project


The River Severn is the longest river in Great Britain. It starts in the Welsh hills and follows a meandering route until it reaches the Bristol Channel and flows out into the Atlantic after 220 miles.  

For centuries it has been a source of water, food and employment. It has acted both as a barrier and a major route of travel.  Much of the history of Britain is chronicled on its banks. Roman remains, battlefield sites, castles and abbeys are still preserved.

But the Severn offers far more than history lessons. Today it’s home to vital resources such as water supply plants and power generation from hydro-electric installations. It supports a range of industries such as agriculture, fishing and tourism which are the lifeblood of local economies.

We at the Cheltenham Camera Club are telling the story of the River Severn in striking photographs. The project will showcase all aspects of life which depends (or depended) on the Severn for its existence…towns and villages, communities and people, industries, wildlife, flora and fauna. The images will highlight the contrast…lively and bustling on the one hand, with oases of calm on the other. History and modernity side-by-side. 

The collection will include all styles of photography: Colour, mono, Infrared, drone, smart phone, creative and street. A compelling image that says or engages the viewer more than just a record shot.

Not ‘Another picture of Powick Bridge’ but ‘I’ve never seen Powick Bridge like that!’.

Our aim is to produce one or more of

  • A photobook
  • An exhibition, including the National Waterways Museum and other locations
  • A web gallery
  • A PDI slide show


River Severn Outings


Trip to Hawford just north of Worcester.

The Droitwich Canals join the River Severn there. Photographic opportunities include interesting and picturesque locks, etc., at Hawford Junction. Also, in the village, there was a former monastery, the remaining bit left is the impressive Hawford Dovecote dating from the 1500s.

Hawford is a 45 minute drive from Cheltenham. After Hawford we can go on to Stourport-on-Severn or into Worcester. 

I’m proposing a mid-week trip on Wednesday, 19th June, getting to the Dovecote at 10:00am. (It’s National Trust so free parking and access to members). I can carry a couple in my car if anyone wants a lift. If interested let me know ASAP. If need be, we can look at other dates