Cheltenham Camera Club Student Award

Announcing the Cheltenham Camera Club Student Award

Are you in your final year of your photography degree?

Have you planned your Major Project?

Do you need help funding it?

Then this might be for you!

Cheltenham Camera Club has teamed up with the University of Gloucestershire to offer final-year photography students the chance to bid for financial assistance for their major project.

The club is offering awards to three individual students of £350 each. You can use it for whatever your wish – travel, props, equipment, sets – it’s entirely up to you.

How to Apply

You can apply in written or visual form. Successful applications will begin with a one-sentence summary of what you will do with the funding. It will then comprise a maximum of two sides of A4 PDF or a three-minute video.

You will need to set out a clear, professionally presented business plan including budget forecast specifying how the £350 will be spent. Applications that clearly state how the award will support specific aspects of your major project are more likely to succeed than those which see the award as general funding for the enterprise.

The successful applicants will be expected to give a presentation to Cheltenham Camera Club about their work later in the academic year on a date to be agreed.

If you require any further details or have any questions then please email the chairman as below.

Deadline for applications: Tuesday Nov 5th

Apply by email to